Why Jaivik Farms?

Farms JaivikAgri Private Limited.

At Jaivik Farms, we produce and market a variety of Natural, and Residue-free food products. We have more than 150 range of natural products including wellness products and plant extracts. Our objective at Jaivik Farms is to free people from long-term lifestyle diseases using pure plant extracts as food supplements that have the power to boost immunity, resist or restore damages due to several physical ailments, eventually leading to natural healing without any side effects.

Each of our products at Jaivik Farms is handpicked for its unique value proposition. Thorough investigation, study, and validation are done under our impaneled doctors and subject matter experts' guidance. Each product of Jaivik Farms is brought to the shelf after months of study and research. 

Our Farming Community blends practices like Natural, Homa, and Natueco etc. use of Amrut-Jal, Amrut-Mitti, Panch-Gavya, Agnihotra-Homa, Go-Kripa Amrutam, augmented with addition of Biochar, Diatomaceous earth and Liquid Organic Carbon etc. Free from synthetic inputs, our crops thrive in enhanced Live Soil, with balanced microbial colonies, yielding humus rich in organic carbon. This Live Soil, maximizes nutrient uptake, resulting in optimal yield, superior quality, heightened nutrition, and unmatched taste. Welcome to health, where purity and potency converge!

Naturally Nurtured Nutrifood